International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) Scholar Awards — 2015

Deadlines:  April 30, 2015.

Awards of US$2,000 each will be conferred to deserving graduate students in sciences relevant to plant nutrition and management of crop nutrients.

The Award will be made directly to the student. No specific duties will be required of the recipient.

The International Plant Nutrition Scholar Awards are open to applicants who are graduate students attending a degree-granting institution located in any country with an IPNI program. Priority is given to the relevance of the proposed research in support of IPNI's mission. Students in the disciplines of soil and plant sciences including agronomy, horticulture, ecology, soil fertility, soil chemistry, crop physiology, and other areas related to plant nutrition are encouraged to apply. Awards of US$2,000 each will be awarded to winners. Review of applications will be conducted on a regional basis, including the following: North America, Latin America, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, China, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia/New Zealand, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East (Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey).

International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI)
3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 550 • Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092 U.S.A.
Phone: 770.447.0335


Royal Society-DFID Africa Capacity Building Initiative

This programme is for scientists who want to develop collaborative research consortia between scientists in sub-Saharan Africa and a research institution in the UK.

The overall aim of the scheme is to strengthen the research capacity of universities and research institution in sub-Saharan Africa by supporting the development of sustainable research networks.

The objectives are to:

    Facilitate sustainable multidisciplinary partnerships between research groups in sub-Saharan Africa and the UK.
    Strengthen research and training capacity in sub-Saharan African Institutions of Higher Education through the skill transfer between partner organisations of the research consortia.
    Produce a cadre of young, talented researchers through integrated PhD scholarships and shared supervision of post-graduate students between the UK-based and African consortia members.
    Evaluate the contributions of the Africa Initiative to supporting universities and institutions in Africa to develop sustainable research and research training capacity.

The scheme provides funding towards research expenses, travel and subsistence costs, (PhD) training, and limited funds for equipment.

Basic eligibility requirements

Applicants must be based in one of the eligible sub-Saharan African countries (PDF) or the UK. In order to act as a principal investigator (PI), applicants must:

    have a PhD or have extensive research experience at an equivalent level
    have a proven track record of training students at Master’s and Doctoral level
    have a proven track record of publishing in both national and international journals
    be based in the respective countries at the time of the application

Applications will be accepted in three research priority areas:

    Water & sanitation
    Renewable energy
    Soil-related research

The Programme Grant may provide support of up to £1,243,000 over a five year period

Programme Grants will provide support for Research Consortia, consisting of three African groups and one UK-based laboratory.

Official website link:

Tips On How to Make Money

Money is what we are all looking for. Almost all the money making tips in this article don’t require start-up capital or higher levels of education they only require basic knowledge, talent and determination.

Writer/editor (social media, websites/blogs, books) Are you are good in wring articles or editing?  There are so many ways to make money; Build an online community following. EARN 20% on referrals You can choose from the many topics available like technology, education, politics, life and news but remember to choose what you are good in. Depending on your content and traffic you attract you can make a living though social media, website or blog or if you can write a book, (Produce e-books) and sell them on sites like Amazon.

Translator -  some people studied French, Germany and all those other foreign languages but have never used/applied them anywhere, try translating for churches for a fee, translate to non English or Swahili speaking visitors around for a fee or be an online translator.

In- Home beauty services – now that technology has changed everything and made people not to leave their homes or offices;  people are working online, dating online, buying and selling online, Ladies and men of today can’t do without this ‘beauty thing’, take all this beauty services, Massage and salon services right to their homes and offices.

Catering services – With events, weddings and Chamas being held almost everyday if not every weekend, catering services are at a high demand.  You don’t have to start with big cooperate events or weddings, start with your neighbours chama and if your cooking gets a tick, be sure to get more calls.

Sewing and alteration services – with this slim - possible trend, loosing weight and some fat is a blessing in disguise to “Mali kwa Mali” and sewing and alteration experts. You can do some alteration to torn and oversize cloths then use them or sell them.

Pet – Based products – Not so many people have pets but for the few who have, they may need your services. Pet training, general cleaning services, cooking for the pets and offering the petty services associated with the pets.

Home renovation Services – Since most companies offering these services are not affordable to many, most clients prefer to get someone who can do same job at a cheaper price.  Services like Interior designing, painting, plumbing, flower gardening and many more only need creativity and they are well paying.

Wedding consultant/planner services – just like catering start small, start with your village neighbours’ wedding be the consultant/ the planner or help the person in charge, if your services are good be sure you will not be looking for clients they will be looking for you.

Real estate agent – your neighbor just moved out or you just saw a vacant house in your neighbourhood, this is the time to start making money, be the agent and post it with your contact numbers on all social media platforms you have access to,  people are looking for homes , rooms, offices and some moving in and out everyday. Charge agent fee and you are rich.

Good will sale Reseller – Most shops, stalls and business premises are sold on “good will sale”basis, act like a broker between the owner and the buyer or the real estate agent or whatever you may call yourself.  Seal the deal and you will be smiling to the bank.

Coaching services/Motivational Speakers – am sure some of you have/know this friend or have met someone who you will listen to His/Her motivational talks, life teachings or business ideas the whole day without getting bored. If you are the Person Am talking about, you got all great ideas and you are still poor, start making money through charging for the services you offer.  So many people are looking for these great coaching services.

Photography – if you got a personal camera sometime you can use it to make some cash; take photos and get paid or rent it out for a fee and if you don’t have one you can always rent one and let your photography passion make money for you.

Tech support specialist – there are those small technical problems that people encounter and you know how to solve them, its time you started making money, no more free services. Small electrical problem, computer software installations and anything you can do but they can’t do it, make money.

Travel agent – Make money showing or guiding people around or do it professionally by creating a website for a travel agency and receive visitors who you can always charge more then use resources of a well established travel agency. At the end of the day you have made money and some connections for more clients.

Sell second - hand products (Buy and sell products)  Don’t limit yourself to second-hand items only, Sell everything that can be bought, new or old; from electronics, furniture, home appliances, cloths to shoes. You can do this by selling on online stores (Start an eBay store), OLX or own a second - hand products shop.

 (Help friends sell products)– There are so many websites that you can use to sell products. Helping friends sell their products can earn you an extra coin.

Build websites – The demand for websites is so high especially for small businesses, small organizations and personal websites, so if you can design a website, you better start making really money.

Hope the tips will be helpful to you.

University of Kent: International scholarships for undergraduate Students

Deadline: 31 May 2015
The University has a long tradition of welcoming international students and is pleased to offer a number of scholarships for entry at undergraduate level.

The scholarships will be worth £5000 per annum towards the cost of tuition fees (for up to three years of study) and are offered to nationals of any country paying international fees.

To be eligible for consideration for a scholarship, all of the conditions below must have been satisfied:

    an application must have been made for a degree course at the University of Kent;
    the applicant must have received an offer of a place on such a degree course;
    The University must have received confirmation of the applicant's firm acceptance of the offer.

How to apply
As part of the application you will be required to submit an original essay of between 750 to 1,000 words on the topic: Why have you chosen your selected degree programme; why have you applied to the University of Kent; and how do you see your degree at Kent preparing you for your life after graduation?

For further information, contact the International Development team:
T: +44 (0) 1227 824904
F: +44 (0) 1227 823247
Official website:

UN Women Fund for Gender Equality

Deadline: 9 March 2015 to 5 April 2015.

UN Women Fund for Gender Equality, 3rd Call for Proposals for women-led Civil Society Organizations (CSO) programmes for women’s economic and political empowerment. Details of the application process and eligibility criteria can be found in the Call for Proposals document, here.

The Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) conducts a global, bi-annual grant-making cycle that aims to award grants to programmes that seek to advance women’s economic or political empowerment.

The Fund prioritizes programmes that:

    Demonstrate a special emphasis on engaging and partnering with marginalized women,
    Illustrate the capacity to achieve tangible impact and results in the lives of women and girls,
    Emphasize innovation,
    Prioritize participatory approaches.

The Fund will also look at added-value elements such as:

    Initiatives to monitor SDG implementation locally,
    Innovation and ICT for gender equality,
    Evidence-based interventions,
    Engaging men and boys,

The Fund’s grant-making approach is a demand-driven process that mobilizes resources for women, putting money directly into the hands of gender equality advocates who can then negotiate a meaningful gender equality agenda at local, national and regional levels. It is an established mechanism that aims to place women at the centre of the awards and of the policies that affect their lives.

Official Website: