When it is raining we complain and cry of floods but when it is not raining we join hands to complain and cry of drought, What do we really want? what are we not doing right? What did we do wrong to Mother Nature? The moment we find answers to this questions and the root cause of all this questions is the day we will be safe from all this calamities and disasters related to climate change.
Deforestation, clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use, that is per the online dictionary and the below picture is the practical definition.
This happened few days ago at Narok, Kenya and there is more to come if we don’t protect our forests and plant more trees wherever we may be.
Despite the immense value of forests, we are losing nearly half of Kenyan forest. The more we destroy our forests the more our children and their children will suffer they will cry more than we are currently lamenting. We have to safe the trees for a better future and better generations to come.
Deforestation has occurred and is still occurring for many reasons in Kenya most of them being selfish reasons: trees have been cut down at greater rates each year to plant crops, graze cattle and generate income from timber, fuel in the form of charcoal and other forest products.
Human encroachment in forests and water catchment areas is another major concern that has diversely affected reforestation efforts which has led to damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity in many parts of the country.
Lets all try to make the country and the world green, Plant a tree. Together we can safe the world
Google Science Fair Competition 2015
Deadline: 19 May 2015
The Google Science Fair is a global online competition open to individuals or teams from 13 to 18 years old.
Individuals and small teams present their ideas and experiments to address social and environmental issues in subjects that include earth and environmental sciences, fauna and flora, and several others.
Google and several partners will award scholarships and other prizes by age groups and geographical areas (local, regional, global).
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.googlesciencefair.com/en/
The Google Science Fair is a global online competition open to individuals or teams from 13 to 18 years old.
Individuals and small teams present their ideas and experiments to address social and environmental issues in subjects that include earth and environmental sciences, fauna and flora, and several others.
Google and several partners will award scholarships and other prizes by age groups and geographical areas (local, regional, global).
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.googlesciencefair.com/en/
Common Fund for commodities
The CFC (an intergovernmental financial institution) provides financing to organisations and enterprises engaged in commodity value chains. Through financial support, the CFC seeks to support implementation of innovative interventions that target new opportunities in commodity markets leading to commodity based growth, employment generation, increase in household incomes, reduction in poverty, and enhancement of food security. The intervention should be scalable and financially sustainable and have a measurable positive impact on the stakeholders in commodity value chains.
This is the sixth call for interested parties to submit proposals. The submission period has been extended and will now close on 17 May 2015.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.common-fund.org/call-for-proposals/
This is the sixth call for interested parties to submit proposals. The submission period has been extended and will now close on 17 May 2015.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.common-fund.org/call-for-proposals/
UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Preservation
The deadline for submitting nominations for the 2015 Prize is 15 June 2015.
The purpose of the UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Preservation is to afford recognition to outstanding contributions by individuals, groups of individuals, institutes or organizations in the management or preservation of the environment, consistent with the policies, aims and objectives of UNESCO, and in relation to the Organization’s programmes in this field, i.e. environmental and natural resources research, environmental education and training, creation of environmental awareness through the preparation of environmental information materials and activities aimed at establishing and managing protected areas such as biosphere reserves and natural World Heritage sites.
The Prize is awarded every two years. As of 2015, the financial Prize reward is USD 70,000, a donation graciously made by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said of Oman.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/ecological-sciences/man-and-biosphere-programme/awards-and-prizes/sultan-qaboos/
The purpose of the UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Preservation is to afford recognition to outstanding contributions by individuals, groups of individuals, institutes or organizations in the management or preservation of the environment, consistent with the policies, aims and objectives of UNESCO, and in relation to the Organization’s programmes in this field, i.e. environmental and natural resources research, environmental education and training, creation of environmental awareness through the preparation of environmental information materials and activities aimed at establishing and managing protected areas such as biosphere reserves and natural World Heritage sites.
The Prize is awarded every two years. As of 2015, the financial Prize reward is USD 70,000, a donation graciously made by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said of Oman.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/ecological-sciences/man-and-biosphere-programme/awards-and-prizes/sultan-qaboos/
Research Training Fellowships for Scientists in Developing Countries 2015/2016
DEADLINE: 15 June 2015
India's DST offers fifty fellowships in 2015-2016 for scientists and researchers from developing countries for collaboration with Indian research partners.
Thematic areas include agricultural sciences, biological sciences, and several others.
The fellowships program is coordinated through the Center for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Center). Applicants should be less than 40 years of age.
WEBSITE: http://www.namstct.org/
India's DST offers fifty fellowships in 2015-2016 for scientists and researchers from developing countries for collaboration with Indian research partners.
Thematic areas include agricultural sciences, biological sciences, and several others.
The fellowships program is coordinated through the Center for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Center). Applicants should be less than 40 years of age.
WEBSITE: http://www.namstct.org/
Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program
DEADLINE: June 3, 2015
A social contribution activity by TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) to support environmental revitalization and conservation activities both in Japan and overseas for the purpose of sustainable development.
The grant themes are "Biodiversity Conservation" and "Global Warming Countermeasures" that are serious and urgent issues for conserving the earth environment.
Applications for following two categories of grants are accepted same as last year. One is for overseas project grant, targeting the activities in overseas, conducted by groups based in Japan or foreign groups collaborate with Japanese groups. The other is domestic project grant, targeting community-based activities in Japan. In this year, They have created a special category for applicants," New Domestic Project Grant", targeting Japan-based groups which have never received our grant funding in this program.
WEBSITE: http://www.toyota-global.com/sustainability/environment/blessings_of_nature/ecogrant/
A social contribution activity by TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) to support environmental revitalization and conservation activities both in Japan and overseas for the purpose of sustainable development.
The grant themes are "Biodiversity Conservation" and "Global Warming Countermeasures" that are serious and urgent issues for conserving the earth environment.
Applications for following two categories of grants are accepted same as last year. One is for overseas project grant, targeting the activities in overseas, conducted by groups based in Japan or foreign groups collaborate with Japanese groups. The other is domestic project grant, targeting community-based activities in Japan. In this year, They have created a special category for applicants," New Domestic Project Grant", targeting Japan-based groups which have never received our grant funding in this program.
WEBSITE: http://www.toyota-global.com/sustainability/environment/blessings_of_nature/ecogrant/
MASHAV Professional Courses
Human capacity building remains the main priority of MASHAV. Professional courses are offered annually in Israel in conjunction with professional and academic institutes.
For most courses, MASHAV covers course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel.
If you wish to enquire about a MASHAV course that suits your abilities and field of expertise, please contact the Israeli Diplomatic Mission in your country.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.mashav.mfa.gov.il/MFA/mashav/Courses/Pages/default.aspx
For most courses, MASHAV covers course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel.
If you wish to enquire about a MASHAV course that suits your abilities and field of expertise, please contact the Israeli Diplomatic Mission in your country.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.mashav.mfa.gov.il/MFA/mashav/Courses/Pages/default.aspx
Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers 2015
Application deadline: May 15, 2015 (Friday)
This annual award, is organized and presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan. Its purpose is to increase motivation among young researchers contributing to research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and related industries in developing regions, which is promoted by Japan for the benefit of those countries. Up to three young researchers who have shown
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.jircas.affrc.go.jp/english/young/yi2015_index.html
This annual award, is organized and presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan. Its purpose is to increase motivation among young researchers contributing to research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and related industries in developing regions, which is promoted by Japan for the benefit of those countries. Up to three young researchers who have shown
- outstanding performance in research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, or related industries for a developing region, and who show great promise
- outstanding achievements in research and development that will lead to future technological innovation in agriculture, forestry, fisheries or related industries for a developing area, and who show great promise
- Should be under the age of 40 (as of January 01, 2015)
- Should be researchers who have the nationality of developing countries and/or territories, belong to a non-Japanese research institute or a non-Japanese university
- Should be engaged in research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries in developing regions
- Must be able to attend the commendation ceremony and deliver a lecture on October 27, 2015.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.jircas.affrc.go.jp/english/young/yi2015_index.html
UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme - 2015
Deadline for submission of applications: 22 May 2015
The aim of this fellowships programme is to enhance the capacity-building and human resources development in the area of sustainable and renewable energy sources in developing countries and countries in transition. The training activities in the framework of these fellowships are tenable in specialized institutions in the Russian Federation. The medium of instruction will be English. UNESCO will solicit applications from the developing countries and countries in transition.
Field of Study
One month duration: from 5 to 30 October 2015.
(a) Energy and sustainable development;
(b) Ecological management of energy resources;
(c) Renewable energy;
(d) Sustainable and renewable energy power generation.
Qualifications Required
Candidates must meet the following criteria:
(a) Holder of at least a BSc degree or BA in Economics;
(b) Proficient in the Russian language;
(c) Not more than 35 years of age;
Facilities offered by ISEDC
i) Beneficiaries will be exempt of paying tuition fees for the entire duration of studies/training;
ii) Fellows will undertake studies/training under the supervision of an advisor or study director that will be provided by the host institution;
iii) The donor Government will pay stipends to beneficiaries on a monthly basis, in local currency. The stipend amounting to four hundred fifty (450) US dollars is intended to cover living expenses such as accommodation, meals, pocket expenses, and incidentals. The donor will determine the amount of the stipend to be granted to beneficiaries;
iv) ISEDC will assist in obtaining modest housing for the fellows.
Facilities offered by UNESCO
a) UNESCO will cover the cost of the round-trip international travel at the most economical rate and the most direct flight.
(b) UNESCO will pay a one-time travel allowance amounting to US$100 (one hundred US dollars) prior to the fellows’ departure for the Russian Federation.
(c) Health insurance. To avail of this entitlement, beneficiaries should be declared medically fit by the UNESCO Medical Service that examines the complete medical dossiers.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/fellowships/programmes/unescoisedc-co-sponsored-fellowships-programme/
The aim of this fellowships programme is to enhance the capacity-building and human resources development in the area of sustainable and renewable energy sources in developing countries and countries in transition. The training activities in the framework of these fellowships are tenable in specialized institutions in the Russian Federation. The medium of instruction will be English. UNESCO will solicit applications from the developing countries and countries in transition.
Field of Study
One month duration: from 5 to 30 October 2015.
(a) Energy and sustainable development;
(b) Ecological management of energy resources;
(c) Renewable energy;
(d) Sustainable and renewable energy power generation.
Qualifications Required
Candidates must meet the following criteria:
(a) Holder of at least a BSc degree or BA in Economics;
(b) Proficient in the Russian language;
(c) Not more than 35 years of age;
Facilities offered by ISEDC
i) Beneficiaries will be exempt of paying tuition fees for the entire duration of studies/training;
ii) Fellows will undertake studies/training under the supervision of an advisor or study director that will be provided by the host institution;
iii) The donor Government will pay stipends to beneficiaries on a monthly basis, in local currency. The stipend amounting to four hundred fifty (450) US dollars is intended to cover living expenses such as accommodation, meals, pocket expenses, and incidentals. The donor will determine the amount of the stipend to be granted to beneficiaries;
iv) ISEDC will assist in obtaining modest housing for the fellows.
Facilities offered by UNESCO
a) UNESCO will cover the cost of the round-trip international travel at the most economical rate and the most direct flight.
(b) UNESCO will pay a one-time travel allowance amounting to US$100 (one hundred US dollars) prior to the fellows’ departure for the Russian Federation.
(c) Health insurance. To avail of this entitlement, beneficiaries should be declared medically fit by the UNESCO Medical Service that examines the complete medical dossiers.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/fellowships/programmes/unescoisedc-co-sponsored-fellowships-programme/
The Calouste Gulbenkian Prize
Calouste Gulbenkian’s long path, from his childhood in Istanbul to the latter years of his life in Lisbon, shaped his personality and influenced the Foundation that he decided to create in Portugal as a Portuguese institution.
A pioneer in the oil industry, a demanding art collector, a diplomat and philanthropist, Calouste Gulbenkian was a perfect example of the synthesis of the eastern culture of his birth and origins, and the western culture in which he was educated and lived. Other revealing features of his character were his great sensitivity towards the harmony of nature and a particular taste for admiring its beauty.
Naturally, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s activities reflect these characteristics of the founder’s personality and aim to support efforts to foster the universal values inherent to the human condition, respect for diversity and difference, a culture of tolerance and the conservation of the environment in man’s relationship with nature.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.prize.gulbenkian.pt/ThePrize
A pioneer in the oil industry, a demanding art collector, a diplomat and philanthropist, Calouste Gulbenkian was a perfect example of the synthesis of the eastern culture of his birth and origins, and the western culture in which he was educated and lived. Other revealing features of his character were his great sensitivity towards the harmony of nature and a particular taste for admiring its beauty.
Naturally, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s activities reflect these characteristics of the founder’s personality and aim to support efforts to foster the universal values inherent to the human condition, respect for diversity and difference, a culture of tolerance and the conservation of the environment in man’s relationship with nature.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.prize.gulbenkian.pt/ThePrize
Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships 2015
Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships support candidates to study Master’s degree courses that are either offered in partnership with universities in developing countries, or delivered directly by UK institutions.
- To be eligible for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, you must:
- be a citizen of a developing Commonwealth country, refugee, or British protected person
- be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country
- Normally hold a first degree of upper second-class standard or higher qualification. In certain cases, we will consider a lower qualification and sufficient relevant experience
The Global Good Fund Fellowship
The Global Good Fund Fellowship is a 15-month program supporting the leadership development of young social entrepreneurs across the globe. The Global Good Fund invests in these innovators by pairing them with executives who serve as Coaches, and by providing leadership assessment resources, a network of peers, sector expertise, and targeted financial capital.
The Global Good Fund supports Fellows in their natural work environments through a first-of-its-kind 360 leadership assessment tool, the 360 MIRROR, specifically designed for social entrepreneurs. This tool is a behavior-based assessment of the skills and values associated with great leaders.
Please direct any questions or comments about the application to H.Kelly Shin at HKelly.Shin@globalgoodfund.org.
Official Website: http://www.globalgoodfund.org/fellowship-program/
The Global Good Fund supports Fellows in their natural work environments through a first-of-its-kind 360 leadership assessment tool, the 360 MIRROR, specifically designed for social entrepreneurs. This tool is a behavior-based assessment of the skills and values associated with great leaders.
Please direct any questions or comments about the application to H.Kelly Shin at HKelly.Shin@globalgoodfund.org.
Official Website: http://www.globalgoodfund.org/fellowship-program/
The nomination process for The Yara Prize
The mission of the Yara Prize is to contribute to the transformation of African agriculture and food and nutrition security, within a sustainable context, thereby helping to reduce hunger and poverty. The Yara Prize was established in 2005 as a direct response to the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s call for a green revolution in Africa in 2004. It aims at celebrating significant achievements related to food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture with a transformative power.
In 2015, the Yara Prize will have a special focus on youth, women and agribusiness in Africa. The prize will also consider strongly those individuals who have contributed towards catalysing transformational change in support of an African Green Revolution.
Information for nominators
Yara Prize 2015: Call for nomination
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.yara.com/sustainability/how_we_engage/africa_engagement/yara_prize/prize_objectives.aspx
In 2015, the Yara Prize will have a special focus on youth, women and agribusiness in Africa. The prize will also consider strongly those individuals who have contributed towards catalysing transformational change in support of an African Green Revolution.
Information for nominators
Yara Prize 2015: Call for nomination
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.yara.com/sustainability/how_we_engage/africa_engagement/yara_prize/prize_objectives.aspx
The Maypole Fund: Money from Women for Women
Deadlines for funding applications are: 31 January and 30 June of each year.
Do you have an imaginative project for peace with justice, anti-militarism and action against male violence, nuclear issues and environmental safety, women's social and political autonomy?
Maypole may be able to help with a grant of up to £750.
Maypole aim is to resource imaginative, non-violent activities by individual women and women's groups for the furtherance of peace with justice and environmental safety.
Maypole welcomes applications from women for projects and activities that meet the following aims of The Maypole Fund:
Do you have an imaginative project for peace with justice, anti-militarism and action against male violence, nuclear issues and environmental safety, women's social and political autonomy?
Maypole may be able to help with a grant of up to £750.
Maypole aim is to resource imaginative, non-violent activities by individual women and women's groups for the furtherance of peace with justice and environmental safety.
Maypole welcomes applications from women for projects and activities that meet the following aims of The Maypole Fund:
- Peace initiatives, disarmament and action against the arms trade;
- Anti-militarism and action against male violence;
- Nuclear issues;
- Environmental issues;
- The promotion of women’s social and political autonomy throughout the world;
- International, national and/or regional networking between women for the above purposes.
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