Every year each Section of the Academy puts two questions forward on specific subjects. Each award-winning work in the yearly competition is granted a prize of 2,500 EUR.
Questions for 2016
Studies must reach the secretariat of the Academy before 1 March 2016.
Question 1
An original study is requested on the involvement of colonial troops in the First World War, either on the European front or outside Europe. The topic also concerns the memory of this involvement and can be tackled from the standpoint of any human science.
Question 2
A study is requested on the management and reduction of flood risks in developing countries.
Question 3
A social and economic impact study, in the broad sense of the word (health, education, security, …), is requested on the development of digital communications networks in emerging countries. The study may also deal with the possibilities of South-North cooperation given by digital networks through information exchange platforms in the field of research.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.kaowarsom.be/en/competitions
Questions for 2016
Studies must reach the secretariat of the Academy before 1 March 2016.
Question 1
An original study is requested on the involvement of colonial troops in the First World War, either on the European front or outside Europe. The topic also concerns the memory of this involvement and can be tackled from the standpoint of any human science.
Question 2
A study is requested on the management and reduction of flood risks in developing countries.
Question 3
A social and economic impact study, in the broad sense of the word (health, education, security, …), is requested on the development of digital communications networks in emerging countries. The study may also deal with the possibilities of South-North cooperation given by digital networks through information exchange platforms in the field of research.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.kaowarsom.be/en/competitions